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Flavouring Flour and Sugar with Rose Petals and Lavender

Adding Floral Flair to your Baking with Rose Petals and Lavender

Flowers aren't just for bouquets; they can add a unique and aromatic twist to your culinary creations. Flavouring flour and sugar with rose petals and lavender gives a delicate essence that will elevate your baking to new heights. Here's how you can easily bring this floral magic into your kitchen.

Rose petals for baking
Dish of dried rose petals


Why Infuse Flour and Sugar?

Infusing flour and sugar with floral flavours is a fantastic way to impart a subtle yet distinctive taste to your baked goods. It's a simple process that allows you to harness the natural fragrance and taste of roses and lavender, transforming ordinary ingredients into something extraordinary.


What You'll Need:

  •  Dried rose petals (you do need a highly scented rose petal) or lavender buds (make sure they're food-grade and pesticide-free)

  • Flour and sugar

  • Airtight containers or jars

  • Cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer


Steps to Infuse your Flour and Sugar:

Prepare the Ingredients: Ensure your dried rose petals and lavender buds are clean and free from debris. You can gently rinse them and pat them dry if needed.

Mixing: Place your flour or sugar in a large airtight container or jar, don’t fill to the top you need to leave room for your roses or lavender.  On a square of cheesecloth or fine cotton, place your flower petals (either rose or lavender, or even a combination), drawer the corners of the fabric up and tie them together. Now place you sachet of petals in your container with the flour/sugar.

Sealing the Infusion: Seal your container ensuring it is tightly closed.

Let it Infuse: Store the sealed container in a cool, dark place for several weeks. The longer you leave it infusing the stronger the scent/taste of your florals will be. Check on your infusion from time to time, but don’t rush it. Shake the container gently every few days to redistribute the flour/sugar.

Lavender for baking
Seashell containing dried lavender

Once the flour and sugar have absorbed the floral essence, they are ready to use in your baking recipes. Substituting these infused ingredients in recipes like cookies, cakes, shortbread, or even bread can impart a subtle yet delightful floral note to your treats.


Infusing flour and sugar with rose petals and lavender is a simple yet enchanting way to elevate your baking. With a little patience and creativity, you can bring a touch of floral finesse to your kitchen creations, delighting your taste buds and those of your loved ones.


Unlock the magic of these floral infusions and let your baking bloom with the fragrant essence of roses and lavender.


We would recommend using Rosa Gallica Officinalis as your rose petals, these have a lovely strong rose scent, making them ideal for infusing. If you are struggling to find suitable rose petals and lavender, we have food grade petals in our store.



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